Hello Teacher Friends!
It's been a long break since my last post. I have been busy testing students for services, taking care of sick babies, getting over the stomach flu, and making some items for my Teacher's Notebook store. Recently, I purchased Annie Moffatt's Ready2Read program for use in my Master's final project. I'll be honest, it's a lot of pages to print, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the colors and fun activities included in the kit. This is my third and final week for my project implementation, but I will continue with the program for two reasons: I bought it with my own moola ($) AND most importantly, it works! For real y'all, the girl I am working with read a total of 52 sight words (pre-primer/primer) pre-implementation, and now she is up to 60. I don't know if you think that's pretty quick or not, but I sure do.
Each level of the program is divided into units, and these units focus on five sight words at a time. There are also two word families per level. When you download the program, I recommend looking through it all first, then only printing off what is necessary. For example, there might not be a reason to print the black and white version of the sight word caterpillar. It's there if you need it, but it is your call. I only printed off one unit at a time. This helped me with organization. When I had everything printed, I bought some page protectors and colored labels, then used them to help me sort all the items I had laminated/printed. (If you don't have a laminator, then you NEED to get one for this. I buy my thermal pouches off of Amazon and pay $16 for 100 pouches.) All my sorted items went into a gargantuan binder. I mean seriously, it weighs more than my child, but it's all in there!!!
The picture below shows just one of the activities included in this kit. I have literally tried everything at my disposal (Scott Foresman, Recipe for Reading, My Sidewalks, etc.) and nothing has worked as well as this. I look forward to working with M everyday and she really enjoys coming to my room for this. I think it's the first time she's felt good about her reading experience. When we come across a word on our list that was previously unfamiliar, she says "I know that one now!" If that doesn't the money/time/effort spent worth it, what does? :)

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